Monday, November 10, 2008

Odds & Ends + Your Comments (11-10-08)

Things have been moving so fast lately, I have not time to keep up. Whew! Unfortunately, I did not get part 4 of the homeless situation together in time for the Free Times, so I have the rest of this week. Part 5 should be interesting too. With the rape of the lady at St. Peter’s by a homeless man, the heat and direction of the issue will change, I am quite sure. Unfortunately, all homeless will be blamed and shunned for the actions of one. It is the curse of the Garden of Eden once again.

Spam, Spoofing

It appears no one else is getting spammed with my address except me. But I received this from a reader: I get spammed by myself all the time. I’ve even sent naked pictures to myself. LOL
Having dealt with email for so long, I’m jaded and trust nothing, even familiar addresses, if the subject isn’t specific. Unfortunately, I have friends who persist in putting nothing on the subject line or something non-descript like “This will make you laugh!” No it won’t cuz I won’t open it. ; )

Well, at least mine get opened, so that is a plus. But this is probably one way that it happens, according to one reader:

This kind fo spoofing means someone on the list has a trojan horse program that is grabbing all the email addresses from their contacts and sending them to the spammer to use as part of their spoofing.

So everyone should be using good anti-virus software and updating daily and scanning. I use a free program from AVG and have not had a virus since, and that is at least 3 years. Try it: Thanks to everyone for the feedback.

We get used!

In a good way. The news media often picks up stories from here. Jack Keunzie told me at the fair that he “stole” something from my newsletter. He had just done a story based on what you had sent. So your comments do make the news and affect our community. Here is jack’s article, basically pointing out that any rules and guidelines enacted in Columbia are often violated, quite quickly and quite frequently.

Joe: It appears the streaming video of this story is no longer available. This is more or less what the script said.

Jack Kuenzie
Senior Reporter
1111 Bull Street
Columbia, SC 29201
803-758-1278 (fax)

Thanks Jack! And keep up the good work.

Myco-Diesel and Mold

I know you said that with tongue firmly planted in cheek, but some of those molds that can grow in a dorm room really can kill. Usually from an unhindered buildup in the pulmonary tree or the lungs directly.
I know you're just cryin' that Certainly Sh---- is having to close stores. Tweeter is gone, too, I saw in the paper the other day. Tweeter's pricing was ridiculous, BTW. They seemed to think a lot about themselves; pity few others did!
Take care and let's do lunch sometime!

Sure, but lunch without the mold. I have been told by a pigeon expert that pigeon poop that has been left to pile up for many months or a year can be quite dangerous, and not to stir it up and breathe it. Wear a mask/filter when shoveling it and carefully shovel it. Yes, the flesh eating bacteria is found quite often in places where we are, not just in some strange, out of the way place.

Circuit City just declared bankruptcy and reorganization today. It does not bode well for the consumer. Best Buy will take advantage of that and not only increase prices, but cause some manufacturers to go out of business. That is not good either. We will lose competition that creates new technology and lose the forces that drive down prices. I suggest you buy from CC before you go to the other big boxes as we need to keep the competition in the market place.

I know it sounds crazy for me to tell you to go see a competitor, but the loss will hurt me as well, as I expect manufacturers of good product but small stature to fail, having lost outlets in the independent section (ones like Upstairs Audio & Video), and now Tweeter and CC. I have never has a problem with competing on price with any of these stores as they have been the same, or more than us. Their overhead is astronomical, making it impossible to compete on all items with us. Sure, they may have some less, but usually the good products are higher. We often say, “They look like discount stores but their price tags give them away!”. What we do know is that their labor rates are higher than ours, we surprised me no end, as their installers do not have the skills and experience we have. Nor do the sales personnel, judging by the calls we get from people who have purchased at these big stores and then call us for help on how to use what they bought.

I just wish there were more small specialty stores with experts that love what they do. Without those, where do we go for knowledge, and where do specialty manufacturers go to sell advanced product?

Property Tax

Politicians should be good stewards and excellent agents of budgeting.
They should plan for the bad times with reserves that can carry
through until good times.

Joseph, this is a true statement; however, a politician's only mission in life is to get re-elected so they must spend the money on their constituents so they will be re-elected. Such an Catch 22 and so counter productive. Otherwise, my only counter to your property tax theory is that property tax is tax deductible where sales tax is not (for the most part) so I personally always vote to not raise sales tax to reduce property taxes. Also, with USA of A consumer spending down, a sales tax increase may be an additional deterrent to our recovery.

I have always and will always believe that property taxes are wrong.
Period. In essence it means that one never really owns one's property.
The govt has a prior lien.

Hi Joe:
This will be quick because I have to go vote...(why didn't I do it absentee????)..

You make a lot of good points... but one thing I would point out (and I am a big 3-legged stool (3-stooges?) proponents..

remember that property taxes represent only a fraction of the revenues that fund local govt. in SC.
For example, if you look at Richland Co. (had the data handy) the % of the total Gen Fund budget that comes from property taxes (all classes, residential, rental, commercial, industrial, etc) are $72.3 mil in FY 08-09. Total GF is $137.4 mil ... Property taxes only represent about 53% of the total budget. This of course varies by county. Muncipalities are even less dependent on property taxes ... I think the avg statewide is in the 35-40% range (I'm not looking at the data this minute) but you could check with the munic assoc and confirm.
We may not want some expenditures to have to vary so widely as the economy might swing and taxes based on income or sales might follow... for example, do we cut k-12 public educ when the economy slows... (I think we may see that happen due to Act 388.... )
So... it doesn't negate anything you were saying... but it adds another dimension or at least a little complicating factor.
Keep up the good work

jsa-If anyone would like the economic data I was sent, let me know and I will forward a copy. If I can find it on the web, I will post the link.

While a lot of what you write ( rant?) is true, let me clarify a few points:
1) The tax sale was moved because of the election and the massive crowds at the Hampton Street county complex. And lack of parking. The tax sale alternates the first part of November and the first part of December. Because the mandate was handed down by the State to sell mobile homes last year in the sale at almost the last minute, the November sale was moved to December, thereby throwing off the election year dates ( election years the sale ended up in December usually, so no conflict.). This years sale should by rights been in December to get back on schedule. Also, because of the volume of properties in the sale ( with the newly included mobile homes making the listing pages longer), there is no guarantee the sale would be over by the time County Council needed it's chambers by Tuesday night.
2) I agree that property tax is archaic . However to say that someone who has no income will loose their house........while true,if someone has no income, they will loose a lot more than their house. And, if you have a house, then you have an asset to sell, mortgage,reverse-mortgage to create the income you need. You need utilities/food/basics too if you have no income.......
3) While there are many owner occupied houses in the sale, there are also MANY stadium parking spaces...(!).....I'm sorry, but if you can afford to buy a parking space for many thousands of dollars, you ought to be able to afford the $250-$300 in taxes.
4) While I'm on my soapbox: I get totally ticked off at the 4%-6% tax rate for owner occupied vs. 2nd home/investment property. I am being ( economically) forced to move into another county for my principle residence because of the enormous difference in taxes.....just over $10,000 as a 2nd home, just over $2000 as principle. As an investor, I understand ( sort of) the reasoning behind "business" properties being assessed more. But I think that residential property should ALL be taxed the same.......renters pay their property tax through their rent. I can promise you that landlords pass on the increased costs for taxes/insurance/utilities in the increased rents. So...the people who can LEAST afford it pay the MOST in taxes indirectly. If agricultural land designation ( and lower taxes) has a minimum of 10 acres to apply, why can't all residential properties be assessed at 4% up to, say 10 units. That keeps the corporate apartment complexes at the "business" rate, and the smaller investor/ Mom and Pop landlords more reasonable?
As usual, thanks for letting me rant. I'm late for the tax sale............


You should submit this as an editorial to the newspapers. Excellent article!

jsa-OK, thanks, but I doubt they print it. However, I will send now. (Done.)

And Help Someone

Hi, Joe: I'm looking to a bicycle. It's for a "special" friend of mine who never misses an opportunity to grin and say, "You having a good day today, Miss Becky?" Living a pretty meager life, Randy does odd jobs around town, most recently at the El Cheapo's on Elmwood and Bull. He gets to work from his River Drive apartment on a bicycle--that is until last week when somebody pedaled away on it while Randy wasn't looking. He's saving up for another one, he says, and promises to lock it up on the inside from now own. It's got a bad chain and a flat tire, but the guy selling it to him says it won't take much to fix it.

You think someone out there might have a used three-speed we could share with Randy? He's about 5'10" and pretty wiry. And, he'll make your day--your week--with the toothy "thank you" you're gonna get!

Thanks for your help!

Becky Bailey
The New Survey
803-454-0088 (office)
803-338-9738 (mobile)
803-691-1187 (FAX)

jsa-OK, I am late on this, but November is another month of need.

My mom sent me this message... she and my father are very involved with the Family Shelter. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Also please pass this on to anyone you think may help. Every little bit counts!


Dear Friends and Family,

Julian is on the board of the Family Shelter and I have been involved through our church work with them. We know first-hand of the great need and good works of this shelter. You all know that we are not your typical fund-raisers and are sending this only because of a heart-felt need to help.

The Family Shelter is a private, non-profit organization that provides emergency transitional services for families with children who have been made destitute by crisis. It is the ONLY agency in the midlands that provides these services for families (dads and/or moms, and they must have children). The shelter provides secure, structured emergency housing and assists them in transitioning to permanent housing and a more stable life-style.

Right now the Family Shelter is in the midst of a financial crisis. We have a new director (Jon Artz) who is doing an excellent job. We are working with United Way consultants to cut expenses and develop a solid long-range plan to achieve financial stability.

For the moment, however, the shelter is in dire need of help to meet operational expenses for the month of October. If you are able to make a donation of any amount (tax-deductible), please mail your check to:

The Family Shelter
2411 Two Notch Road
Columbia, SC 29204

If you know of a business or professional group that may be interested in contributing, please pass this on to them, or have them call Jon Artz at the Shelter (771-7040) or one of us (695-6140). Questions can be addressed through either of these numbers as well.

Please pass this on to anyone who may be interested. If you know of anyone we can call or visit that may be in a position to help, please let us know. We're new to the fund-raising game.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and for any help you can give,
Cynthia and Julian Dew

jsa-I have donated a big Cadillac and a van to this program. So you can do the same and get a good tax deduction. Rather than try to attach the documents, just email Jimmy if you are interested and he will send the forms.

Joe: I enjoyed seeing you at the Sertoma Club and I appreciate your efforts over the years to make a change in Columbia City government, I own my deceased mother's home and was raised in the city, but live in West Columbia. I have supported your efforts for change and wish I could have voted for you. Keep up the efforts for change, we sure need it.

Any help you can provide to help us increase our vehicle donations is greatly appreciated. When you send these atachments out on your news letter, please ask everyone to forward them to their email contacts and to tell their friends at work or church about our program, which assists the "working poor".

Thanking you in advance and God Bless.

Jimmy Brazelle, Director
Community Auto Repository
The Cooperative Ministry
3821 West Beltline Blvd.
Columbia, SC 29204
799-3853 ext 511
Cell - 269-4394

Enough for tonight. I hope to see all of you Saturday at the Sertoma Tailgate party. Details in the following newsletter.


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