Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Azar Newsletter ALL COMERS TRACK MEET (9-2-08)

Great Idea! Kudos to the sheriff's department. This is a program I have wanted to see in town for years in the form of a summer track program held weekly at night. Also a summer music program and a summer drama program that would involve children and adults alike weekly. Ironically, though I have promoted this during many campaigns and no politician has taken the idea yet, someone 2 weeks ago discussed with me trying to get grants for these programs for next summer.

The sheriff's department is already on the right track. Maybe they will be willing to adopt these ideas, all of which are extremely cheap to implement, maybe $18,000 for all three. We will see what we can do, but do spread the word about this and go support it.

Unfortunately, the flyer will not print to this blog. Registration starts a 5p.

Richland County Sheriff's Department



Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott announced today the details of the annual Sheriff's Department "All Comers Track Meet".

Sheriff Leon Lott stated that the event will be held September 19, 2008 at Region 1 Headquarters at Lower Richland High School -- the "All Comers Track Meet" is held by the Sheriff's Department and Community Leaders each year to benefit the youth in Richland County. Sheriff Leon Lott stated that the "All Comers Track Meet" is an event created to bring the Sheriff's Department and citizens together to build unity between the citizens and department and to benefit the youth by bringing awareness to crime prevention and education.

Attached is a flier giving details of the upcoming event - please post to community calendars and share with family and friends.

Lt. Chris Cowan

Richland County Sheriff's Department,

Senior Public Information Coordinator

5623 Two Notch Road

Columbia, South Carolina 29223

803-576-3036 (office) 803-576-3190 (fax)

PIO Pager 988-6018


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